Wrinkled Bolete
Leccinellum rugosiceps
Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Boletales > Boletaceae > Leccinellum
Field Characteristics:
-Growing gregariously (locally abundant) in narrow grassland surrounded by mixed oak/hickory woodland. -Nearby Trees: Black Oak, Northern Red Oak, and distant Bur Oak.
-Cap bald and wrinkled. -Stipe adorned with orangish-brown scabers that darken when handed and slightly wavy on mature specimens. -Inner flesh slowly turning red when cut.
-Smell: not distinctive. -Taste: slightly acidic to not distinctive. -KOH: dark orange on tube layer, orange on stipe and mustard orange on pileipellis. -Ammonia: flashing yellow on stipe and hymenium and slightly darkening pileipellis.
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