null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
null (Inocybe sp-IN49)
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Inocybe sp-IN49

Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Agaricineae > Inocybaceae

2024 DNA results of Inocybe sp-IN49 represent it as an undescribed species originally found in Indiana.

September 13th, 2023 Field Notes - Indian Cave State Park

Growing from rich soils in low, shady, riparian woodland area in mixed oak/hickory woodland.

  • Cap Tan to light yellow, egg-shaped to campanulate, with dirt adhered to pileipellis (post viscid state). Inrolled margin.
  • Lamellae white, free to adnexed and unequal.
  • Stipe white, firm, and entire.
  • Smell: faint and pleasant.
  • Taste: faint to not distinctive.


September 29th, 2023 Field Notes - Indian Cave State Park

habitat: Terrestrial (on soil) to In forest

growth habit: Gregarious (growing as a group)

Cap: shape: plane (flat) to conic (cone) to umbonate (with bump); texture: fibrillose (thready); surface moisture texture: dry - shiny to viscid, sticky, tacky [1]; margin shape: straight; margin: striate (with lines) to split to undulating (wavy)

Gills: attachment: uncinate (with decurrent tooth); breadth: broad; thickness: average; spacing: subdistant to close; edges: even (entire)

Stem: location: central; shape: equal to clavate (club); surface (same as cap plus): fibrillose (thready) to longitudinally striate; texture: pliable to fibrous to rigid to breaking with a snap; interior: solid

[1] With dirt adhered to pileipellis Smell: spermatic Spore Print: brown
