Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07')
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Fool's Funnel / Sweating Descender

Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07'

Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Clitocybaceae > Collybia

Fool's Funnel (Collibia 'rivulosa PNW07', also known as Clitocybe rivulosa) is a decomposer that can be found in the late summer through fall and seems to have a global distribution. Its habit is to grow in arcs and rings in grasslands. It is relatively common and is a toxic look-alike of the Fairy Ring Mushroom (Marasmius oreades). The latter being an edible mushroom inhabiting the same habitat and growth habit (Wood, 2015).


This mushroom contains a toxin called muscarine. Please review the list of symptoms below.

The symptoms usually occur within 15-30 minutes of ingestion, and are focused on the involuntary nervous system. They include excessive salivation, sweating, tears, lactation (in pregnant women), plus severe vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms may be accompanied by visual disturbances, irregular pulse, decreased blood pressure, and difficulty breathing. Victims normally recover within 24 hours, but severe cases may result in death due to respiratory failure. Atropine is a specific antidote, but must be administered by a physician. Dogs are particularly susceptible to the toxin muscarine. (Michael, 2024)

If you or someone you know has been poisoned by consuming wild mushrooms, call 9-1-1 and get the individual medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Afterwards, please report poisonings to the North American Mycological Association to contribute to our understanding of wild mushroom safety.


August 9th, 2023 Field Notes - Indian Cave State Park:

Growing gregariously to clustered in a hemispherical fairy ring (only fruiting 1/4 of ring) in an open grassy area bordering an oak/hickory woodland. The mycelium ring is estimated to be 7 feet in diameter. Local trees: Ash, American Hop Hornbeam

  • Growing 1-2 cm tall; 1.5-3 cm cap diameter.
  • Gills: decurrent; cream-colored; partial gills present.
  • Cap: convex to flattening, both with central depression. Cream to tan colored. Margin inrolled and undulating.
  • Stipe: flexible; brushing lightly where handled; darkening at base;longitudinal striations; pink notes at base.
  • Smell: indistinct to faintly fruity
  • Taste: faint and slightly acrid.
  • KOH: pileipellis: darkens surface
  • Ammonia: pileipellis: indistinct.
  • Not exuding latex.
  • Spore Print: white



Beug, M. (2024, April 23). Mushroom Poisoning Syndromes - North American Mycological Association. North American Mycological Association.

Wood, M. (2015). California Fungi: Clitocybe rivulosa.