Purple-spored Puffball
Calvatia cyathiformis
Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Lycoperdaceae > Calvatia
The Purple-spored Puffball is a grassland decomposer that can be found in summer through fall. It is a common mushroom widely distributed across the globe. It can be found alone, in groups, or in fairy rings.
Calvatia cyathiformis is generally pear-shaped to loaf-shaped. The exterior can be colored white to tan to brown and develops a "mud-cracked" pattern after being exposed to the sun. The interior begins white when young, transitioning to a purplish color towards the top and olive at the base when mature.
August 4th, 2023 Field Notes - Indian Cave State Park
- Growing gregariously in recently hayed grassland field.
- Fruiting body skull-shaped, with subtle cracking texture on top.
- Outer layer easily peelable.
- White interior.
- Smell: not distinctive.
- Taste: not distinctive.
- KOH: slightly yellow on pseudostipe.
Kuo, M. (2016, September). Calvatia cyathiformis. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: http://www.mushroomexpert.com/calvatia_cyathiformis.html
Morales, M.I.; Kimbrough, J.W. 1978. Lycoperdaceae of North Central Florida. I. The genera Calvatia and Disciseda. Revista de Biologia Tropical. 26:227-236