Viscid Bolbitius
Bolbitius viscosus
Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Agaricineae > Bolbitiaceae > Bolbitius
The Viscid Bolbitius is a small mushroom that grows on dead broadleaf trees. It can be found in spring through fall. Its cap width is generally no larger than 3/4 inch (2 cm). Cap surface colors range from gray-olive, to red, orange, and brown.
The cap surface can be slimy to tacky, so much so that it can defy gravity:
Its gills are attached to or pulling away from the stem.
B. viscosus has a cinnamon-brown spore print. The below image shows a cap with a spore print on it from another that grew above it.
It can be found east of the Rocky Mountains.
July 6th, 2023 Field Notes
- Growing on a fallen small diameter elm tree in an open mixed oak woodland area.
- Pileipellis is viscid (but not tacky) with a lined margin (striated margin) extending more than halfway to the center of the cap.
- Stipe iridescent and fibrulose. Small hairs matted by touch.
- KOH: Blackening pileipellis.
- Additional comments: Younger gills tan pink becoming duff brown when mature.
August 18th, 2023 Field Notes
- Growing together in a small group on a well-rotted Northern Red Oak log in a low, shaded, moist mixed oak/hickory woodland.
- Caps are very viscid, with a highly striated margin that extends 2/3 to the center.
- Lamellae adnate and are pulling away from stipe.
September 12th, 2023 Field Notes
- Growing gregariously on well-rotted American Hackberry log in shady, dense mixed oak/hickory woodland above a creek.
- Cap wet to slightly tacky, reddish-brown in the center transitioning to orange-brown near the margin, with radial striations 3/4 from the margin to the center.
- Lamellae light rust brown, adnexed and unequal.
- Stipe hollow, fibrulose, iridescent. Basal mycelium white.
- Spore Print: rusty brown.
Bolbitius viscosus Watling, Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh 34 (2): 242 (1975) [MB#309616]
Kuo, M. (2023, November). The genus Bolbitius. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: