Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
Viscid Bolbitius (Bolbitius viscosus)
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Viscid Bolbitius

Bolbitius viscosus

Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Agaricineae > Bolbitiaceae > Bolbitius

The Viscid Bolbitius is a small mushroom that grows on dead broadleaf trees. It can be found in spring through fall. Its cap width is generally no larger than 3/4 inch (2 cm). Cap surface colors range from gray-olive, to red, orange, and brown.


The cap surface can be slimy to tacky, so much so that it can defy gravity:


Its gills are attached to or pulling away from the stem.


B. viscosus has a cinnamon-brown spore print. The below image shows a cap with a spore print on it from another that grew above it.

Spore Print

It can be found east of the Rocky Mountains.


July 6th, 2023 Field Notes

  • Growing on a fallen small diameter elm tree in an open mixed oak woodland area.
  • Pileipellis is viscid (but not tacky) with a lined margin (striated margin) extending more than halfway to the center of the cap.
  • Stipe iridescent and fibrulose. Small hairs matted by touch.
  • KOH: Blackening pileipellis.
  • Additional comments: Younger gills tan pink becoming duff brown when mature.

August 18th, 2023 Field Notes

  • Growing together in a small group on a well-rotted Northern Red Oak log in a low, shaded, moist mixed oak/hickory woodland.
  • Caps are very viscid, with a highly striated margin that extends 2/3 to the center.
  • Lamellae adnate and are pulling away from stipe.

September 12th, 2023 Field Notes

  • Growing gregariously on well-rotted American Hackberry log in shady, dense mixed oak/hickory woodland above a creek.
  • Cap wet to slightly tacky, reddish-brown in the center transitioning to orange-brown near the margin, with radial striations 3/4 from the margin to the center.
  • Lamellae light rust brown, adnexed and unequal.
  • Stipe hollow, fibrulose, iridescent. Basal mycelium white.
  • Spore Print: rusty brown.


Bolbitius viscosus Watling, Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh 34 (2): 242 (1975) [MB#309616]

Kuo, M. (2023, November). The genus Bolbitius. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: