Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
Murrill's Slender Caesar (Amanita murrilliana)
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Murrill's Slender Caesar

Amanita murrilliana

Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Pluteineae > Amanitaceae > Amanita

This is a mycorrhizal mushroom that grows in soil and can be found in the summer and fall east of the Rocky Mountains. It has a ring (annulus) on the upper side of the stem and a sack-like cup (volva) at the base. It can be found associating with Oak and other broadleaf trees.


July 26th, 2023 Field Characteristics:

  • Growing solitarily in a lawn near mixed oak/hickory woodland edge.
  • Nearby Trees: Bur Oak, Elm, distant Black Walnut and Ash.
  • Cap light tan, becoming slightly darker towards the center, with a lined margin. No evidence of universal veil remnants on pileipellis.
  • Stipe with prominent partial veil, slightly peeling in places (more prevalent near volva), hollow or with central pith.
  • Volva sack-like and delicate, not appearing to be swollen.
  • Smell: not distinctive.
  • Taste: not distinctive.
  • KOH: pale orange on pileipellis and stipe.



Amanita murrilliana Singer, Lilloa 22: 385 (1951) [MB#292455]

Kuo, M. (2013, June). The genus Amanita. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site:

Tulloss RE. 2024. Amanita murrilliana. in Tulloss RE, Yang ZL, eds. Amanitaceae studies. [ ]. accessed August 15, 2024.

Nebraska Mushrooms is a collaboration of wildlife and educational groups promoting fungal education, recreation, and conservation in Nebraska.

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