Great Felt Skirt Destroying Angel
Amanita magnivelaris
Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Pluteineae > Amanitaceae > Amanita
This is a deadly poisonous mushroom. Please see Deadly Mushrooms of Nebraska by C. Brueggemann where it is treated as Amanita bisporigera.
The Great Felt Skirt Destroying Angel is a mycorrhizal mushroom that grows in soil in wooded habitats in the summer. It is white, has a membranous skirt on the stem, and has a bulbous base with a volva.
July 17th, 2023 Field Characteristics
- Growing solitarily on open mixed oak/hickory woodland ridge.
- Nearby Trees: Bitternut Hickory, Ash, American Hophornbeam, Black Oak, and distant Chinkapin Oak.
- All portions are white.
- Cap bald, slightly tacky.
- Lamellae free from stipe.
- Stipe with prominent annulus 1/4 down the stem and a large bulbous, sack-like volva at the base.
- Smell: Not distinctive.
- Taste: Not distinctive.
- KOH: Negative on cap (atypical of species) and slightly darkening stipe.
- Microscopy: basidia appear to have 2 sterigmata.