Wrinkled Fieldcap
Agrocybe rivulosa
Life > Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycotina > Agaricomycetes > Agaricomycetidae > Agaricales > Agaricineae > Strophariaceae > Agrocybe
Agrocybe rivulosa is a brown-spored, gilled decomposer that grows in soil and has been reported east of the Rocky Mountains, Europe, South America, Africa, and Australia.
It has a wrinkled cap top surface that is mostly white becoming tan towards the center.
The stem is relatively long, has a ring (annulus), and has an abrupt bulb at the base with white "roots" (pseudorhizomorphs).
The gills are slightly attached to the stem and begin light-colored and turn more brown with maturity.
Agrocybe rivulosa Nauta, Persoonia 18 (2): 272 (2003) [MB#488330]
Kuo, M. (2021, December). Agrocybe and Cyclocybe. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: http://www.mushroomexpert.com/agrocybe.html